Welcome Back Previous hcc campers!
We are so excited to be able to add a day back to camp week where we include our HCC Almuni because you are still super special to us!
That day is
On that day at camp, we have what we call our "July 4th Carnival". There will be yard games, a dunk tank, face painting, arts & crafts, and so much more! We will end our day with swimming, so please make sure your alumni camper brings a towel, swimsuit, and if he or she needs a life jacket.
We will not provide lunch, due to pick up being at 12PM.
However we will have popcorn & cotton candy available upon approval of parent/guardian.
1) Download PHYSICIAN RELEASE to be completed by a physician.
2) Complete ONLINE Alumni Camper APPLICATION.
3) Complete ONLINE ACTIVITY WAIVER at bottom of page or on our camp forms page.
4) MAIL ALL printed forms to Macy Neph at Camp Loughridge, 4900 W. Oak Leaf Drive, Tulsa, OK 74131.

Activity Waiver
Please fill out this form online rather than having to print out and mail in a hard copy.
This form allows camper to participate in camp activities during camp week.

If you have any questions about this day, please reach out to Macy Neph.